
About Me

This is my anonymous blog so though I can't share my name I can totally share what my friends call me, M.J. Last year I started another blog hoping to have a safe place to write about things going on on my life and with my kids but before I knew it the wrong people (ex and ex's wife entire family) were all up in there reading and mocking and gossiping about what I was doing. SO, that blog pretty much had to change direction and turned into a review and giveaway blog. We still post a few personal items there but not anything important and certainly nothing that I don't care for those people to know about. 

This is my safe spot to write about things that are important to me. Things I need to get off my chest and things I just want to share with you.

About me:
This year I turned 38, much closer to 40 and feeling it. I am mom and even have a total of 4 grand children. I live with my kids in a small town where there are no jobs and it's very rural. I have a boyfriend who lives with me part of the time and we share one young child. Because I work from home I am not enjoying spending time with my kids all the time instead of only seeing them in the evenings, the way I had done it for 9 years before when I was working outside the home. One day I hope to be back in the work force and making more money, but for now I am enjoying this time off with my children.